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Some suggestions for organizing the menu:

Allergy. Atopic dermatitis. Asthma.


pIn the case of allergy , our recommendations are to remove from the menu all those foods that cause allergies. Keeping a food diary is helpful in identifying a delayed allergic reaction. Although nutrition plays an important role in both asthma, pollinosis and atopic dermatitis, a person's overall lifestyle also plays an extremely important role. (2)

Although atopic dermatitis cannot be completely controlled by diet, it is possible to significantly alleviate the condition of the skin with the right food choices. When changing the diet, everything that causes allergies should be removed from the menu. The main causes of eczema in childhood are  milk, eggs, peanuts. Fish, wheat, soy, tomato, artificial dyes have also been identified in studies.

Briefly, some recommendations (1; 2; 3 ):

·  Keep a food diary and record the reactions that a particular food causes. Given that the reaction to an intolerable food occurs much later, you should write down how you feel while eating, immediately after a meal, and the next day for a specific meal. 

·   Exclude allergens from the food and foods that you have identified with the help of a food diary to cause a reaction.

·  Kasuta abistava vahendina katse-eksitusmeetodit, välistades kahtlusalused toiduained menüüst 3 - 6 nädalaks, mõnel juhul ka longer. Again, they can be added to the menu one by one to monitor the body's reaction, with an interval of 3-4 days. When trying a completely new food, you should definitely do it one new food at a time, for the same reason, to observe how the body reacts to the new food.

·  Exclude from the menu additives that are present in prepared foods, drinks (Example: tartrazine, benzoates, sulfur dioxin, sulfites, etc.). This is vital for an asthmatic, as these additives can trigger asthma attacks. 

· Ensure sufficient amount of vitamin D in the body. According to the study, vitamin D has a positive effect on the health of people suffering from asthma. Namely, a study was published in 2008, in which the study was aimed at the effect of two different inhaled drugs on children's asthma, but at the same time, the level of vitamin D was also checked in both test groups. It turned out that children who were deficient in vitamin D were more likely to have a severe asthma attack than those who were not deficient. (4) The importance of vitamin D is also emphasized in atopic dermatitis . (6)

· The recommendations for asthma, in addition to avoiding allergens, are to increase the proportion of plant-based food in the menu, as food rich in antioxidants (vitamin C, lycopene, vitamin E and selenium) is also considered important.

· Add good fats to the menu (N: extra virgin olive oil, ghee, coconut oil, avocado oil (add avocado to your menu), walnut oil, hemp oil)

· It is recommended to support the immune system, consume probiotic food (N: sauerkraut, natural yogurt, etc.), foods rich in zinc (seafood, cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds, etc.).

More general recommendations (1; 2; 3):

·      Söö palju puuvilju ja köögivilju, võimalusel võiks it to be organically clean

·      Ära liialdada teraviljade puhul nisuga ja piimatoodetega. Prefer gluten-free cereals.

·      Söö mitmekesiselt, täisväärtuslikult, väldi rafineeritud tooteid

·      Mälu korralikult

·      Söö väiksemad portsud, aga regulaarselt, 4 -5 times a day

·      Kui võimalik, söö hooajalisi toite.

·      Regulaarne füüsiline liikumine peaks olema sinu päevaplaanis tähtsal present

·      Väldi stimulate (kohvi, alkohol)

·      Joo igapäevaselt puhast vett

Used materials:
1.      _cc781905 Heathly Levinson MD, Staying with MD, El Haasson MD, PhD. Nutrition” 2006     
2.       _cc781905-5cde-3194. 2005  
3.    _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d, Patrick Holford; Braly James “Hidden Food Allergies”, 2005   
4.     Khalsa, Soram MD “D-vitamiini revolutsioon”, 2009_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  
5.     Taylor, Holly, Bsc (hons) DipCNM MBANT NTCC, Ajakiri Advanced Nutrition for Professionals, No. 4 July 2010 


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